Doctoral Thesis
- Efficient mean-shift belief propagation and its applications in computer vision, M Park, Pennsylvania State University, 2010
Referred Jounal Publication
- Automatic stereoscopic video generation based on virtual view synthesis, L Zhong, M Park, D Metaxas, Neurocomputing 151, 654-662, 2015
- Estimating the camera direction of a geotagged image using reference images, M Park, J Luo, RT Collins, Y Liu, Pattern Recognition 47 (9), 2880-2893, 2014
- Learning to produce 3D media from a captured 2D video, M Park, J Luo, AC Gallagher, M Rabbani, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 15 (7), 1569-1578, 2013
- Toward assessing and improving the quality of stereo images, M Park, J Luo, AC Gallagher, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 6 (5), 460-470, 2012
- Deformed lattice detection in real-world images using mean-shift belief propagation, M Park, K Brocklehurst, RT Collins, Y Liu, Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on 31 (10), 2009
Referred Conference Proceedings
- Optimized Transform Coding for Approximate KNN Search, M Park, K Gunda, H Gupta, K Shafique, British Machine Vision Conference 2014
- Tag configuration matcher for geo-tagging, M Park, Y Chen, K Shafique, Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances 2013
- Symmetry detection from realworld images competition 2013: Summary and results, J Liu, G Slota, G Zheng, Z Wu, M Park, S Lee, I Rauschert, Y Liu, 2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops 2013
- Exploring Photos in Facebook, MD Wood, M Park, Multimedia (ISM), 2012 IEEE International Symposium on, 88-91 2012
- Tag cloud++-scalable tag clouds for arbitrary layouts, M Park, D Joshi, A Loui, Multimedia (ISM), 2012 IEEE International Symposium on, 318-325, 2012
- Simultaneous image annotation and geo-tag prediction via correlation guided multi-task learning, H Wang, D Joshi, J Luo, H Huang, M Park, Multimedia (ISM), 2012 IEEE International Symposium on, 69-72, 2012
- Towards automatic Stereoscopic Video Synthesis from a Casual Monocular video, L Zhong, S Wang, M Park, R Miller, D Metaxas, Multimedia (ISM), 2012 IEEE International Symposium on, 306-313, 2012
- Saliency detection using region-based incremental center-surround distance, M Park, M Kumar, AC Loui, Multimedia (ISM), 2011 IEEE International Symposium on, 249-256, 2011
- Image de-fencing revisited, M Park, K Brocklehurst, RT Collins, Y Liu, Asian Conference on Computer vision, 422-434, 2010
- Translation-symmetry-based perceptual grouping with applications to urban scenes, M Park, K Brocklehurst, RT Collins, Y Liu, Asian conference on computer vision, 329-342, 2010
- Beyond GPS: Determining the camera viewing direction of a geotagged image, M Park, J Luo, RT Collins, Y Liu, Proceedings of the 18th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 631-634, 2010
- Data driven mean-shift belief propagation for non-gaussian mrfs, M Park, S Kashyap, RT Collins, Y Liu, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2010 IEEE Conference on 2010
- Face modeling and tracking with Gabor Wavelet Network prior, M Park, S Lee, Pattern Recognition, 2008. ICPR 2008. 19th International Conference on, 1-4, 2008
- Deformed lattice discovery via efficient mean-shift belief propagation, M Park, RT Collins, Y Liu, European Conference on Computer Vision, 474-485, 2008
- Performance evaluation of state-of-the-art discrete symmetry detection algorithms, M Park, S Lee, PC Chen, S Kashyap, AA Butt, Y Liu, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008. CVPR 2008. IEEE Conference on 2008
- Efficient mean shift belief propagation for vision tracking, M Park, Y Liu, RT Collins, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008. CVPR 2008. IEEE Conference on 2008
- A quantitative evaluation of symmetry detection algorithms, PC Chen, JH Hays, S Lee, M Park, Y Liu, Tech. Rep. CMU-RI-TR-07-36, 2007
Book Chapters
- A Real-World System for Image/Video Geo-localization, H Gupta, Y Chen, M Park, K Gunda, G Qian, D Conger, K Shafique, Large-Scale Visual Geo-Localization, 299-320 2016
- Distributed Parking Management System, J. Jung, H. Lee, E. Yang, J. Kim, J. Baek, M. Park, and W. Choi, Book chapter in Bit project no.53, ISBN: 8985957538 Edited and published by Bit Company, Seoul Korea.
Technical Report
- M. Park, K. Brocklehurst, R. Collins and Y. Liu, Translation-Symmetry-based Perceptual Grouping with Applications to Urban Scenes, Tech. Report, PSU-CSE-10-004, Dept. of Computer Sci &Eng., Penn. State University, 2010
- P. Chen, J.H. Hays, S. Lee, M. Park, and Y. Liu, A Quantitative Evaluation of Symmetry Detection Algorithms, Tech. Report CMU-RI-TR-07-36, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Sep, 2007. Tech. Report PSU-CSE-07011, Dept. of Computer Sci &Eng., Penn. State University 2007
Conference Presentation & Demonstration
- Transformative Crowdsourcing: Harnessing the Power of Crowdsourced Imagery to Simplify and Accelerate Investigations, M Park, TE Choe, A Scanlon, A Beach, Workshops on European Conference on Computer Vision 2014.
- Deformed Lattice Detection in Real-World Images Using a Novel Mean-Shift Belief Propagation, M. Park, K. Brocklehurst, R. Collins, Y. Liu, Demonstration at the 23rd Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2009)
- Development and validation of a computer vision method for identifying and tracking small groups, R. B. Ruback, R. Collins, W. Ge, M. Park, and S. Koon-Magnin, Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Tampa (2009, Feb.)
- Method for generating tag layouts, M Park, D Joshi, AC Loui, A Singhal, US Patent 8,767,249
- Method for computing scale for tag insertion, M Park, D Joshi, AC Loui, US Patent 8,786,889
- System for generating tag layouts, M Park, D Joshi, AC Loui, A Singhal, US Patent 8,928,929
- Video camera providing a composite video sequence, M Park, A Singhal, US Patent 8,866,943
- Identifying high saliency regions in digital images, M Park, AC Loui, M Kumar, US Patent 8,401,292
- Producing 3D images from captured 2D video, M Park, J Luo, AC Gallagher, US Patent 9,300,947
- Method for producing a blended video sequence, J Luo, TJ Murray, M Park, US Patent 8,692,940
- Method for automatically improving stereo images, M Park, J Luo, AC Gallagher, US Patent App. 13/173,264
- Composite video sequence with inserted facial region, M Park, A Singhal, US Patent App. 13/416,166
- Systems and methods for processing crowd-sourced multimedia items, M Park, TE Choe, WA Scanlon, MA Beach, GW Myers, US Patent App. 14/470,848